Friday, October 31, 2014

Death by LSAT

(Image from Wikimedia Commons at

I have been studying for the LSAT over the past year, and certain parts still make me want to pull my hair out and scream. I can sit down in front of my practice book full of energy and by the time I skim the first few questions of the analytical reasoning portion, I am a mental zombie. Now being a zombie wouldn’t be a problem if the portions of the exam weren’t strictly timed. Add the limited time to mental exhaustion and you get me panicking and just about fainting from anxiety.

So to preserve my sanity (and my hair) I decided to enroll in an LSAT boot camp. Kaplan and their prep team miraculously saved my hair and I from certain destruction. They provided me with a wonderful and insightful instructor, who patiently went through tips and tricks I could use on the test to minimize stress and maximize time. She explained to me how the test makers were similar to the game makers from the Hunger Games (evilly stroking their beards while I stress), and told me that I just needed to strategize to win. In the end my score increased and I no longer think of the apocalypse when I think of the LSAT.

Here is the link to Kaplan’s website they offer free online courses for the GRE, MCAT, and several other exams