Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hatred of Twitter

(Image from Wikimedia Commons at
The looks I get from people, when they learn I absolutely despise Twitter, is absolutely camera worthy. They look sort of like they saw their first three-headed bulldog, with a mixture of shock and disgust. I just can't help it I simply don't like Twitter. Amusingly Twitter was on of the major projects  had for my English class.

As you can imagine, this assignment for me was like pulling teeth for me. I would log in and look at the feed, and then log out. This assignment, as simple as it should have been was just as hard as graduate level calculus to me. Finally realizing I had no choice but to do the assignment I sent up a quick prayer and painstakingly got to work.

When I was done I felt like a kid who had just recited the full alphabet, I was so excited. Not only was I happy that it was over, I was happy with the effort  I put in to finish it.

Here is a link that gave me some tips to deal with the Twitter monster

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